Qualified District Level Trainers (DLTs), EDP of Nagaland:


Email ID
Phone number
Pezalhoulie Kets Male EDP Nagaland Kohima Inspector of Industries B.A. ketseshii@gmail.com 919612409190
Kiyelu T. Yeptho Male EDP Nagaland Kohima Inspector of Industries M.A. yepthokiyelu@gmail.com 919612690373
Imtiwapang Male EDP Nagaland Kohima Inspector of Industries B.A. imtikichu14@gmail.com 917005493060
Amrit Giri Male EDP Nagaland Kohima Functional Manager M.Sc. amritgiri151068@gmail.com 918729810689
Alum Zeliang Male EDP Nagaland Kohima Inspector of Industries  B.A zeliangalum@gmail.com 918837084326
Veswuvo Male EDP Nagaland Kohima Inspector of Industries  M.A. veswuvo@gmail.com 918974706927
Nongsheba Lamliu Male EDP Nagaland Kohima Inspector of Industries  M.A. nonshetikhir@gmail.com 918837326031
Athrise  Male EDP Nagaland Kohima Inspector of Industries  B.A. athrise@gmail.com 919612466768
Chingo Konyak Male EDP Nagaland Kohima Inspector of Industries  M. Sc. konyakchingo976@gmail.com 918575771686
Jaden Phom Male EDP Nagaland Kohima Inspector of Industries  B.A. jadmokholee@gmail.com 918119059239
Khekihe K. Zhimo Male EDP Nagaland Kohima Functional Manager M.Sc. khekihezhimo@gmail.com 917005181039
M. Yangdikhum Sangtam Male EDP Nagaland Kohima Inspector of Industries  B.A. akhum.langdithonger@gmail.com 918787657298

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